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Aadhar Card Date Of Birth Change: UIDAI has given all cardholders the ability to modify their Aadhaar card’s details, including their date of birth.
Aadhar card is an important document for all Indian citizens. And the Government of India has made it mandatory for every citizen of the country to have an Aadhar card. Aadhar card is issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Aadhar is required not only for government schemes but also for financial services. So, it is also linked to bank accounts, vehicles and insurance policies etc. The Aadhar card contains details of the person’s name, date of birth, gender, address and photograph.
UIDAI has opened its online portal, which helps individuals to update the personal information mentioned on their Aadhar card online. So you can download the form to make changes in your details and then submit it to your nearest Aadhaar Seva Kendra.
आधार कार्ड की जन्मतिथि में बदलाव: यूआईडीएआई ने सभी कार्डधारकों को अपने आधार कार्ड के विवरण को संशोधित करने की क्षमता दी है, जिसमें उनकी जन्म तिथि भी शामिल है।
आधार कार्ड सभी भारतीय नागरिकों के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज है। और भारत सरकार ने देश के हर नागरिक के लिए आधार कार्ड होना अनिवार्य कर दिया है। आधार कार्ड भारतीय विशिष्ट पहचान प्राधिकरण (यूआईडीएआई) द्वारा जारी किया जाता है। आधार सिर्फ सरकारी योजनाओं के लिए ही नहीं बल्कि वित्तीय सेवाओं के लिए भी जरूरी है। तो, यह बैंक खातों, वाहनों और बीमा पॉलिसियों आदि से भी जुड़ा हुआ है। आधार कार्ड में व्यक्ति का नाम, जन्म तिथि, लिंग, पता और तस्वीर का विवरण होता है।
यूआईडीएआई ने अपना ऑनलाइन पोर्टल खोला है, जो व्यक्तियों को अपने आधार कार्ड पर उल्लिखित व्यक्तिगत जानकारी को ऑनलाइन अपडेट करने में मदद करता है। तो आप अपने विवरण में परिवर्तन करने के लिए फॉर्म डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं और फिर इसे अपने नजदीकी आधार सेवा केंद्र में जमा कर सकते हैं।
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It is to be noted that you need to link your mobile number with your Aadhaar card before making any changes to the data printed on your card. To link your mobile number with your card, you need to visit your nearest Aadhaar Seva Kendra.
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You can update your Aadhaar card details by visiting the Aadhaar Seva Kendra. Here’s how you can do it easily:
Note: Whether you update one field or multiple, the charge for Aadhaar update is Rs 100 (if you are also updating biometrics) and Rs 50 (if only the demographic details are being updated).
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Requests for Aadhaar card updation/correction are sometimes rejected, as UIDAI follows specific provisions to verify the details before making any changes in the Aadhaar details. Only after meeting these criteria, does UIDAI update the details on its system. The following conditions must be fulfilled before making corrections to Aadhar card details:
So if for any reason the update request for details in the Aadhar card is rejected, you can send a fresh request by making appropriate corrections in the form and submitting the appropriate self-attested documents.
As per the latest developments, people can update/change their address, mobile number, email id, name (slight change), date of birth, gender and language in the Aadhar card online. However, they can update their biometrics data only by visiting the nearest Aadhaar Enrollment Centre.
People can update all the details mentioned in their Aadhaar card by visiting any of the Aadhaar Enrollment Centres. So you can update demographic details (address, name (slight change), date of birth, gender and language) online through Self Service Update Portal (SSUP).
In order to change your demographic details online, you will have to submit scanned copies of the required documents. So if your document is not accepted by UIDAI, the update request will be rejected.
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An individual can update the date of birth (DoB) in Aadhaar only once.
As per the guidelines issued by UIDAI, a user can change his name only twice on Aadhaar. And UIDAI had issued a notification in this regard in an office memorandum.
Aadhar card is valid for your lifetime and does not expire till your death. The card is issued once and thereafter, it remains in force throughout the life of an adult.
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