
Aadhar Me Mobile Number Jode, How To Add Mobile Number To Aadhaar Card Online, Know Complete Information

Aadhar Me Mobile Number Jode: The Aadhar card is a crucial document that is required for the majority of government-run programs. Almost all tasks now require an Aadhar card, including creating documents, applying for jobs, enrolling in college or school, opening a bank account, and monitoring the status of the Aadhar bank link. Most jobs use mobile OTP E-KYC and biometric authentication for verification. However since not everyone has a biometric device, there is no verification process. Next in line is mobile OTP Aadhar e KYC verification, which involves linking your Aadhar card number to your cellphone number. Sending an OTP to the phone number associated with your Aadhar is necessary for verification.

It is crucial to link the mobile number to the Aadhaar for this verification since only then will the Aadhaar portal deliver the OTP to the mobile. This post will provide information on how to add a mobile number to your Aadhaar card now. Therefore, be sure to read the entire article at the aadhar to cellphone number link.

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Highlights of Aadhar Me Mobile Number Jode

Service NameAadhar Me Mobile Number Jode
Name of the portalAadhaar Portal
Started by whomIndian government
Purpose of the serviceDoing e-KYC through mobile number
BeneficiariesAll aadhaar-linked mobile number
official websiteuidai.gov.in
Aadhaar enrolment correction formClick here

Why is there a connection between a cellphone number and an Aadhar card?

Every Indian individual has an identity provided by their Aadhaar card. Because of its unique number, it makes it possible to identify the owner. This involves the use of biometric equipment to store the hand and eye identities in a database on the uidai.gov.in Aadhaar portal. This means that the Aadhaar E-KYC verification procedure can be completed remotely. Without a mobile number linked to an Aadhar card, the OTP cannot be used for Aadhar verification.

  • You can use the Aadhaar OTP E KYC to update the information on your ration card in order to make it match your Aadhar card. Aadhaar can also be linked to a ration card.
  • Changing the name, birthdate, and address on the family ID requires connecting the Aadhaar card and mobile phone.
  • More than half of the information on the form is automatically filled in using Aadhaar OTP verification.
  • The majority of eKYC is validated using an Aadhaar OTP.

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Aadhaar card benefits from adding a mobile number

Connect your mobile number to your Aadhar card: You will directly benefit from a multitude of services by connecting your cell number to your Aadhar card. This will swiftly provide you with the advantages of schemes. Your government job will also be completed promptly.

  • You’ll soon reap the rewards of government subsidies.
  • Direct Benefit Transfer: Through DBT, funds are transferred straight to the bank account associated with the Aadhar-linked mobile number.
  • The Aadhar e-KYC will be used to fill out the online form.
  • State schemes can swiftly benefit from Aadhar mobile KYC.
  • Verifying an Aadhar KYC is simple.

How can I update my Aadhaar card with a cellphone number?

The official website must be visited in order to add a mobile number to an Aadhar card. This is how it works:

In Aadhar, register your cellphone number. You must visit the closest Aadhar Seva Kendra in order to link your cellphone number to your Aadhar. From there, you can access the AADHAAR ENROLMENT/UPDATE FORM via the Aadhar link mobile number form. Once filled out entirely, it will need the Sarpanch or Nagar President of your village to sign and stamp it. Using the link provided below, get the Aadhar Connect mobile number form in PDF format.

How can I update my Aadhaar card with a new mobile number?

You must first visit appointments.uidai.gov.in/easearch.aspx, the official UIDAI website, to find the address of your closest Aadhaar Enrollment (Update) Center.

  • Fill out the Aadhaar card correction form here.
  • Update or enter the desired mobile number in this field.
  • Don’t forget to fill out the form completely and submit it.
  • You will also need to provide your biometrics in order to be verified.
  • The officer or employee in question will then provide you with a receipt.
  • You can track the status of your Aadhaar update by using the Update Request Number (URN), which is also included in this receipt.
  • You will begin getting an Aadhaar-related OTP on the new number as soon as this process is finished.

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Further to presenting solutions to regularly asked questions about aadhaar and cell numbers, we also defined in this publication how to upload or sign up a cell number for your aadhar card. please let us to know the way you felt approximately the information we supplied with the aid of leaving a remark below. you can also use this area to invite us questions.


Q. Which paperwork is needed in order to connect a cellphone number to an Aadhaar card?

Ans: To add or register a cellphone number in your Aadhaar card, you don’t require any paperwork. However, the individual whose mobile number needs to be connected to his Aadhaar card needs to visit the Aadhaar center and bring his card with him.

Q. What is the cost of connecting a mobile number to an Aadhar card?

Ans: If you wish to link your mobile number to your Aadhaar card, you must pay ₹50 at the Aadhaar facility inside.

Q. How can a cellphone number be added to Aadhaar?

Ans: To accomplish this, you must visit the closest Aadhaar service center, fill out the Aadhaar Connect mobile number form, and then submit it.

Q. How can I add a cellphone number online to my Aadhaar card?

Ans: The web link for the UIDAI Aadhaar card mobile number is not yet operational.

Q. How can a number be added to an Aadhaar card?

Ans: In order to update or correct your Aadhaar, you must input your mobile number on the UIDAI form and submit it to the Aadhaar service center.


Sandeep Dubey

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