Aadhar Card Download

e Aadhaar UIDAI gov, How to download from Digilocker, Benefits of it, FAQs…

e Aadhaar UIDAI gov: E-Aadhaar is a 12-digit alphanumeric identity that is provided to all Indian citizens by the government. Through e-Aadhaar, the biometric and demographic data of individuals are collected and stored in a centralised database. E-Aadhaar is an electronic version of the Aadhaar card that may be obtained by inputting an individual’s Aadhaar or enrolment ID online. This version is just as good as the original. You can check the status of your Aadhaar card and download it from UIDAI’s official website. www e aadhaar uidai gov in


In Hindi:

ई-आधार एक 12-अंकीय अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक पहचान है जो सरकार द्वारा सभी भारतीय नागरिकों को प्रदान की जाती है। ई-आधार के माध्यम से, व्यक्तियों का बायोमेट्रिक और जनसांख्यिकीय डेटा एकत्र किया जाता है और एक केंद्रीकृत डेटाबेस में संग्रहीत किया जाता है। ई-आधार आधार कार्ड का एक इलेक्ट्रॉनिक संस्करण है जिसे किसी व्यक्ति के आधार या नामांकन आईडी को ऑनलाइन इनपुट करके प्राप्त किया जा सकता है। यह संस्करण मूल संस्करण जितना ही अच्छा है। आप अपने आधार कार्ड की स्थिति की जांच कर सकते हैं और इसे यूआईडीएआई की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। www uidai gov in e aadhaar download

Information Available On E-Aadhaar

An e-Aadhaar card of individuals, like its physical copy, contains their personal information. Individuals can visit the UIDAI website to see their Aadhaar information such as –

  • Aadhaar number
  • Photograph
  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Sex

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How to Download e-Aadhaar from the e-Aadhaar link?

Follow the simple steps given below to download your e-Aadhaar card:

People who already have an Aadhaar card can enter their 12-digit Aadhaar number. Individuals who have not received their Aadhaar number yet must first note down the enrollment number, time and date provided in their acknowledgement slip that would have been given during the time of their Aadhaar application.

  • They will have to then visit the UIDAI website and enter all required details.
  • They will then have to click on the option titled, ‘Get One Time Password'(OTP)
  • Then you will receive a one-time password or OTP which will have to be entered into the given field.
  • Lastly, you will have to then enter the first four letters of your name in Capitals combined with your birth year (YYYY format) as the password in order to open the e-Aadhaar PDF file.

Benefits of e-Aadhaar Card

The various benefits of an e-Aadhaar card are mentioned below:

  • E-Aadhaar card is an electronic card and is available online, hence can be accessed at all times, and individuals need not have to worry about losing their card as it is virtual and cannot be misplaced.
  • The e-Aadhaar card is a universal identity card that can be procured by all residents of India. This card acts as a proof of identity as well as address, unlike most other documents.
  • The Government of India has provided a number of subsidies such as LPG subsidies, and so on to all Individuals. However, in order to avail of these subsidies, applicants must provide their Aadhaar card.
  • Individuals can also open bank accounts by using their Aadhaar card.
  • An e-Aadhaar card is a valid proof of address and identity as mentioned by the Unique Identification Authority of India since this document has been digitally certified. Additionally, all data that has been printed in a physical copy of the Aadhaar card is also available on the e-Aadhaar card.
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How to Download e-Aadhaar from DigiLocker Account

The UIDAI teamed up with DigiLocker to make it possible for Aadhaar card users to attach their cards to the app. DigiLocker is a cloud-based programme for verifying, issuing, storing, and sharing different certificates and documents. Certain registered organisations can also provide electronic or e-copies into residents’ ‘digital lockers,’ according to the app.

Follow the steps mentioned below to download your e-Aadhaar card from your DigiLocker account:

  • Go to your DigiLocker app and log in.
  • Next, type in your 12-digit Aadhaar number
  • Then click the ‘verify’ button to get the OTP.
  • Next, enter the OTP that was sent to your phone number.
  • Lastly, click the ‘Verify OTP’ button after entering the OTP.
  • After verifying the OTP, a page titled ‘Issued Document’ will appear. You can download and save your ‘e-Aadhaar card.’

What are an e-Aadhaar card and its usage? How different it is from a physical Aadhaar card?

The aadhaar issuing body Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has allowed using of e-Aadhaar wherever it may be required. The aadhaar card is a widely accepted document for identity proof as well as address proof in the country. However, for maintaining the privacy of individuals and also to make ease of carrying, the Aadhaar issuing body Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has allowed using of e-Aadhaar wherever it may be required.

e Aadhaar

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What is an e-Aadhaar?

e-Aadhaar is a password-protected electronic copy of Aadhaar, which is digitally signed by the competent Authority of UIDAI.

What is the authenticity e-Aadhaar? Is it equally valid as a physical copy of Aadhaar?

As per Aadhaar Act, an e-Aadhaar is equally valid as a Physical Copy of Aadhaar for all purposes, says UIDAI.

How to download an e-Aadhaar?

Aadhaar card holders can download e-Aadhaar by following two ways.

By Using Enrollment Number

Aadhaar card holders can download e-Aadhaar using 28 digit enrolment number along with Full Name and Pin code. In this download process, OTP is received on registered mobile no. Resident can also use TOTP to download e-Aadhaar instead of OTP. TOTP can be generated using the mAadhaar mobile Application.

By using the Aadhaar number

Aadhaar card holders can download e-Aadhaar by using 12 digits Aadhaar No. along with Full Name and Pin code. In this download process, OTP is received on registered mobile no. Resident can also use TOTP to download e-Aadhaar instead of OTP. TOTP can be generated using the mAadhaar mobile Application.

What Is the Password of e-Aadhaar?

Combination of the first 4 letters of the name in CAPITAL and the year of birth (YYYY) as password.

For Example:

  • Example 1
    • Name: RAJESH KUMAR
    • Year of Birth: 1980
    • Password: RAJE1980
  • Example 2
    • Name: RAJ KUMAR
    • Year of Birth: 1980
    • Password: RAJK1980
  • Example 3
    • Name: R. KUMAR
    • Year of Birth: 1980
    • Password: R.KU1990
e Aadhaar Card Download
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Aadhar Card Signature

The Aadhaar Card digital signature or Aadhaar e-signature is a unique electronic signature based on an individual’s Aadhaar data. It is an encrypted signature that is designed to electronically sign digitized documents like letters, agreements, etc. It holds the same value as a handwritten signature. Digital signatures are different from electronic signatures. While electronic signatures usually imply entering the name in the electronic document, digital signatures are cryptographically included in the digital document.

Benefits of Aadhaar E-Signature

Let’s take a look at the benefits of Aadhaar e-Signature.

  • Convenience: e-Signature feature has made the registration process hassle-free, quick and real-time for customers by eliminating the necessity to be physically present to register an Aadhaar card signature, it also prevents human errors and delays that are an unavoidable part of the manual process. The aadhaar card e-signature has also done away with hardware tokens that are a necessary part of the process.
  • Flexibility: Aadhaar e-Signature registration can be done in more than one way, determined by the device being used by the service provider. One is biometric verification which involves iris scanning and fingerprint verification. The second way is through a mobile device via One Time Password (OTP). Here, the Aadhaar cardholder receives an OTP on his/her registered contact number as a part of the verification process.
  • Privacy: Only certain specific information is involved in the process so that all information is not accessible to service providers. Maintaining the privacy of the information of the signatory is the responsibility of service providers.

How to Validate E-Signature in Aadhar in Mobile

Before you validate your Aadhaar e-Signature via your mobile phone, you need to download the mAadhaar app first by following these simple steps:

  • Visit the Google Play app to download the mAadhaar app. This app works only on Android 5+ version and above.
  • Install the app on your mobile phone
  • Next, you will receive an OTP on the mobile number that you have registered with Aadhaar.
  • Enter the OTP to download the mAadhaar card

Next, follow these steps for validating your Aadhaar e-Signature through your mobile phone:

  • Create your profile
  • Enter your Aadhaar Card number and then scan the QR-Code
  • Once the QR code has been successfully scanned, your demographic information will appear on your mobile screen
How to download e Aadhar Card

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FAQs on e Aadhaar UIDAI gov

Is e aadhar the same as the original?

It is, therefore, clarified that Downloaded Aadhaar (e-Aadhaar) is a valid and secure electronic document which should be treated at par with a printed Aadhaar letter.

Can we print e Aadhar card?

You can either carry an e-Aadhar card or you can carry a print of the Aadhar card. Both are perfectly valid. An e-card can be downloaded onto your mobile through an authorized app of UIDAI. Alternatively, you can take a print of the Aadhar as proof.

Can I download Aadhaar with a QR code?

Therefore, any fraud attempted on an e-Aadhaar can be easily detected by using a QR Code scanner. The new digitally signed QR code can be read by ONLY using UIDAI’s windows based application and validated against UIDAI digital signatures. The application can be downloaded from uidai.gov.in.

Is an e-Aadhaar valid for a bank account?

Absolutely not. When you give Aadhaar number to your banks, mutual fund companies, and mobile phone companies, they only send Aadhaar number, your biometrics (given at the time of authentication) and your name etc. to UIDAI for verification of your identity. So they do not send your bank account details to UIDAI.

बिलकुल नहीं। जब आप अपने बैंकों, म्यूचुअल फंड कंपनियों और मोबाइल फोन कंपनियों को आधार नंबर देते हैं, तो वे आपकी पहचान के सत्यापन के लिए केवल आधार नंबर, आपका बायोमेट्रिक्स (प्रमाणीकरण के समय दिया गया) और आपका नाम आदि यूआईडीएआई को भेजते हैं। वे आपके बैंक खाते का विवरण UIDAI को नहीं भेजते हैं। e aadhaar uidai gov in download aadhar card

Sandeep Dubey

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