how to change aadhar card address
How to Change Aadhar Card Address: Aadhar card is an identity card issued by the Government of India to the citizens of India. In this, a unique 12 digit number is printed which is called Unique Identification Authority of India.
And You can update your address online in Self Service Update Portal (SSUP). You will need to visit the Permanent Enrollment Center to update other details in Aadhaar such as demographic details (name, address, date of birth, gender, mobile number, email) as well as biometrics (fingerprint, iris, and photograph).
आधार कार्ड भारत सरकार द्वारा भारत के नागरिकों को जारी किया गया एक पहचान पत्र है। इसमें 12 अंकों का एक यूनिक नंबर प्रिंट होता है जिसे यूनिक आइडेंटिफिकेशन अथॉरिटी ऑफ इंडिया कहते हैं।
और आप सेल्फ सर्विस अपडेट पोर्टल (एसएसयूपी) में अपना पता ऑनलाइन अपडेट कर सकते हैं। आधार में अन्य विवरण जैसे जनसांख्यिकीय विवरण (नाम, पता, जन्म तिथि, लिंग, मोबाइल नंबर, ईमेल) के साथ-साथ बायोमेट्रिक्स (फिंगरप्रिंट, आईरिस और फोटोग्राफ) को अपडेट करने के लिए आपको स्थायी नामांकन केंद्र पर जाना होगा।
A person can change his/her address, name (slight change), date of birth, gender, and language online on the Aadhar card. To change/update/correct your Aadhar card details online, follow the steps given below:
You can update your Aadhaar details by visiting the Aadhaar Seva Kendra. Here’s how you can do it easily:
Note: Whether you update one field or multiple, the charge for the Aadhaar update is Rs. 100 (if you are also updating biometrics) and Rs. 50 (if only the demographic details are being updated).
Given below is the process to change your mobile number on Aadhaar: 2019, Live Location Tracker, BBC Full Form, Mobile Locator, Free Career Guide, Online Typing Test,, My Individual Business.
UIDAI has introduced a facility where you can update address details on Aadhaar without providing address proof. You have to use ‘Request for Aadhaar Verification Letter’ to complete the process. The four steps involved in the process are mentioned below:
At present, you can update address, name, gender, and date of birth details online. However, your mobile number needs to be linked with your Aadhaar to make changes online. Therefore To make any other changes to the Aadhar card, you will have to visit the Aadhar Enrollment Centre.
वर्तमान में, आप पता, नाम, लिंग और जन्म तिथि का विवरण ऑनलाइन अपडेट कर सकते हैं। हालांकि, ऑनलाइन बदलाव करने के लिए आपके मोबाइल नंबर को आपके आधार से लिंक करना होगा। आधार कार्ड में कोई अन्य परिवर्तन करने के लिए, आपको आधार नामांकन केंद्र पर जाना होगा।
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To link the mobile number with Aadhaar, users have to first dial 14546. This call has to be made from the number which has to link with the Aadhar card. Now IVR will ask you whether you are Indian or NRI. If you are Indian then press number 1.
Aadhar cards are used to take benefits from the bank accounts to many government schemes. Without an Aadhar card, you can neither open an account in the bank nor can you take advantage of many welfare schemes run by the government.
Aadhaar number is a random number that does not contain any kind of intelligence. The person desirous of enrolment has to provide demographic and biometric information during the enrollment process. So Details like caste, religion, income, health, geography, etc. Not collecting in the Aadhaar enrollment process.
आधार नंबर एक रैंडम नंबर होता है जिसमें किसी भी तरह की खुफिया जानकारी नहीं होती है। नामांकन के इच्छुक व्यक्ति को नामांकन प्रक्रिया के दौरान जनसांख्यिकीय और बायोमेट्रिक जानकारी प्रदान करनी होगी। और आधार नामांकन प्रक्रिया में जाति, धर्म, आय, स्वास्थ्य, भूगोल आदि जैसे विवरण एकत्र नहीं किए जाते हैं।
On January 1, 2013, the Aadhaar project implementing in 51 districts of the country. Therefore On September 23, the Supreme Court said that some departments have issued circulars making the Aadhaar mandatory. Despite this, people who have not made an Aadhar card should not suffer any loss due to this.
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For any other AADHAAR card correction, visit any AADHAAR card center nearest to you. So For Aadhar Card Center Near You Click Here: Nearest Aadhar Card Center! Remove the Xerox of the document required for correction in the Aadhar card and put your own signature or thumb impression on it!
किसी भी अन्य आधार कार्ड सुधार के लिए, अपने निकटतम आधार कार्ड केंद्र पर जाएँ। आप के पास आधार कार्ड केंद्र के लिए यहां क्लिक करें: निकटतम आधार कार्ड केंद्र! आधार कार्ड में सुधार के लिए जरूरी दस्तावेज का जेरोक्स हटा दें और उस पर अपना खुद का हस्ताक्षर या अंगूठे का निशान लगाएं!
Please note, you cannot get an Aadhar card made online! You can apply online for an appointment date only at select Aadhar card centers. Therefore To get an Aadhar card, with or without an online appointment, you need to physically visit any Aadhar card center nearest to you.
Originally Answered: How long does it take to get Aadhar card? So It takes 30 minutes to generate an Aadhar card and this process is very easy you can get it done from any Aadhar center. It will then take your fingerprints, iris photos, and your photos.
आधार कार्ड बनाने में 30 मिनट का समय लगता है और यह प्रक्रिया बहुत आसान है आप इसे किसी भी आधार केंद्र से करवा सकते हैं। फिर यह आपकी उंगलियों के निशान, आईरिस फोटो और आपकी तस्वीरें लेगा।
Visit the official website of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Here look towards MyAadhaar on the top left. And Select “Verify my email/mobile number” in the ‘Aadhaar service’ section. Then submit here the information like card number, mobile number, and captcha.
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