Online Aadhar Card Update, uidai, aadhar card update status, aadhar card mobile number update, download aadhar card, aadhar card address change online, aadhar card status check online, aadhar card address change documents, in,
Online Aadhar Card Update: Aadhar card is a 12 digit unique identification number which is considered an essential document for proof of identity and proof of address. Aadhar card is also required to avail of various government subsidies and benefits. So, it is extremely important that your Aadhaar card is updated to avoid any delay. Follow the steps given below to update the Aadhaar Card Address, Name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number and Email ID on the Aadhaar Card online and offline by visiting the Aadhaar Enrollment/Update Centre.
Aadhar card contains information like your name, address, phone number, gender and date of birth. If you wish to make changes to the Aadhaar card, you can do so by visiting the Aadhaar Enrollment Center or the official website of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).
In Hindi:
आधार कार्ड एक 12 अंकों की विशिष्ट पहचान संख्या है जिसे पहचान के प्रमाण और पते के प्रमाण के लिए एक आवश्यक दस्तावेज माना जाता है। विभिन्न सरकारी सब्सिडी और लाभों का लाभ उठाने के लिए भी आधार कार्ड की आवश्यकता होती है। इसलिए, यह बेहद जरूरी है कि किसी भी देरी से बचने के लिए आपका आधार कार्ड अपडेट किया जाए। आधार कार्ड पर आधार कार्ड का पता, नाम, जन्मतिथि, मोबाइल नंबर और ईमेल आईडी को ऑनलाइन और ऑफलाइन आधार नामांकन/अपडेट केंद्र पर जाकर अपडेट करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए चरणों का पालन करें।
आधार कार्ड में आपका नाम, पता, फोन नंबर, लिंग और जन्म तिथि जैसी जानकारी होती है। यदि आप आधार कार्ड में बदलाव करना चाहते हैं, तो आप आधार नामांकन केंद्र या भारतीय विशिष्ट पहचान प्राधिकरण (यूआईडीएआई) की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाकर ऐसा कर सकते हैं।
How to Update Aadhar Card Details Online
You can update your name, date of birth, address and gender details online. However, your mobile number needs to link with Aadhaar to make changes.
The process to update name, address, gender and date of birth details online mention below:
Go to
Click on ‘Proceed to update Aadhaar’.
Then enter your Aadhar Number and Captcha.
Click on ‘Send OTP’.
Enter the OTP sent to your registered mobile number.
Next, select ‘Update Demographic Data’.
On the next page select the relevant options and click on ‘Proceed’.
And the changes can be made on the next page. Further, upload the relevant documents.
After this, you have to review the entered details.
Next, submit the change request. You can use the Update Request Number (URN) to track the status of the change of address.
How to Update Aadhar Card Details by Visiting Aadhar Enrollment Center
The process to change any Aadhaar details offline is mentioned below:
You will have to fill out the correction form by applying at the nearest Aadhaar Enrollment Centre.
After attaching the documents, submit the application form to update the changes.
There is a fee to be paid for the change of address on the Aadhar card.
Online Aadhar Card Update
What details can be changed in the Aadhar card online?
At present, you can update your address, name, gender and date of birth details online. So, your mobile number needs to link with your Aadhaar to make changes online. And to make any other changes to the Aadhar card, you will have to visit the Aadhar Enrollment Centre.
How to Update Mobile Number in Aadhar Card?
Given below is the process to change your mobile number on Aadhaar:
Visit Aadhaar Service Center.
Submit the filled application form. So make sure that the correct mobile number should mention on the form.
And there is no need to submit any document for updating the mobile number.
How to update the address in Aadhaar without document proof?
UIDAI has introduced a facility where you can update address details on Aadhaar without providing address proof. So you have to use ‘Request for Aadhaar Verification Letter’ to complete the process. The four steps involved in the process are mentioned below:
Initiates the resident request
As a resident, you need to log in by providing Aadhaar details.
Verifier Aadhaar details should enter.
An SRN will be sent.
Address Verifier Consent
Click on the link sent to the registered mobile number.
Log in with Aadhaar details.
Give consent.
Address Verifier Consent
A validator consent is sent to the registered mobile number.
Login by providing SRN.
Preview address details.
Change the language if necessary.
Submit request.
User Secret Code to Complete
A post will be sent with a letter and secret code.
Login to the Address Update Portal.
Change address with the help of a secret code.
Check the address and submit.
A URN will be provided to check the status of the request.
Statement of the bank in which the applicant holds an account.
Passbook of the bank where the applicant is an account-holder.
Account statement or passbook of the Post Office.
Ration Card.
Voter Identification card.
Driving licence of the applicant.
Photo identification cards are issued by the Government.
PSU issued a Service photo ID card.
Previous 3 months’ electricity bill.
Water bill as long as it is not more than 3 months old.
Previous three months’ landline bill related to telephone.
Receipt showing the Property Tax of the last 3 months.
Last three months’ Credit Card statement.
Insurance policy.
Photo and a letter signed by the bank on letterhead.
Signed letter and photo on the letterhead of the company issued by the registered office.
Photo and signed letter issued by a well-known educational enterprise on their letterhead.
Job card of NREGS.
Arms licence.
Pensioner card.
Freedom fighter card.
Kisan passbook.
CGHS card.
ECHS card.
Address certificate along with a photo on their letterhead that is issued either by an MP, MLA, Gazetted Officer or Tehsildar.
Address Certificate issued by the Village Panchayat head or any authority equivalent to them for rural areas.
Assessment order of the Income Tax.
Registration certificate of the vehicle.
Registered agreement for sale, lease or rent of the applicant’s residential address.
Photo and address card by the Department of Posts.
Caste and Domicile certificate along with a photo that the State Government has issued.
Previous 3 months’ bill of gas connection. Either a handicap medical certificate or a disability Identification card that issued by either a State Government, UT Government or any Administration
Do I have to bring the original documents to the Permanent Enrollment Center for updating?
Yes, you need to bring original supporting documents. However, they will scan and return it to you.
How long will it take to update my Aadhaar?
It may take up to 90 days for your Aadhaar data to update after you make the request.
How can I add my father’s name or husband’s name to my address mentioned on Aadhaar?
Filling in this information is optional. The relationship details are a part of the Address section in Aadhaar. It is standardised for Care (C/O).
Can I update the address using the local language?
Apart from the English language, you can choose any language from Kannada, Bengali, Assamese, Gujarati, Hindi, Malayalam, Odia, Marathi, Urdu, Tamil, Punjabi, or Telugu to update your address on your Aadhaar.