Aadhar Card Update

UIDAI Mobile Number Change, How to Change Mobile Number Online (With OTP)? How to Check Linking Status, Steps to Add/Update Mobile Number

UIDAI Mobile Number Change: The aadhar card is issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India UIDAI. And the 12-digit number has become an essential part of identity for every Indian citizen. So the Aadhaar, with its increasing importance, has become one of the most sought-after documents of identity. Hence it is a trusted source that acts as proof of address of citizens, proof of date of birth and others, making it mandatory for everyone to keep it. So if the card is also linked to the mobile number, this facility will allow users to log on to select government web portals to avail of the services. Hence, it is advised to always update your latest mobile phone number on your Aadhaar.


In Hindi:

UIDAI Mobile Number Change: आधार कार्ड भारतीय विशिष्ट पहचान प्राधिकरण UIDAI द्वारा जारी किया जाता है। और 12 अंकों की संख्या प्रत्येक भारतीय नागरिक के लिए पहचान का एक अनिवार्य हिस्सा बन गई है। आधार, अपने बढ़ते महत्व के साथ, पहचान के सबसे अधिक मांग वाले दस्तावेजों में से एक बन गया है। यह एक विश्वसनीय स्रोत है जो नागरिकों के पते के प्रमाण, जन्म तिथि के प्रमाण और अन्य के रूप में कार्य करता है, जिससे सभी के लिए इसे रखना अनिवार्य हो जाता है। इसलिए यदि कार्ड मोबाइल नंबर से भी जुड़ा हुआ है, तो यह सुविधा उपयोगकर्ताओं को सेवाओं का लाभ उठाने के लिए चुनिंदा सरकारी वेब पोर्टलों पर लॉग ऑन करने की अनुमति देगी। इसलिए, यह सलाह दी जाती है कि अपने आधार पर अपना नवीनतम मोबाइल फोन नंबर हमेशा अपडेट करें।

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Why Aadhaar is mandatory?

In a judgment of the Supreme Court of India, the apex court has made it clear that the Aadhaar card cannot be made mandatory by the Government of India yet. In some cases, the government may make Aadhaar cards mandatory such as opening a bank account, filing IT returns, verification of mobile numbers and application of PAN numbers.

After various legal battles, Aadhaar is being made mandatory for most government schemes to prevent misuse of funds and corruption. Today in many government schemes it is mandatory for the beneficiaries to submit their Aadhaar to prove their validity. Most of the subsidy is disbursed directly into the bank account of the Aadhaar-linked beneficiaries.

Out of the Indian population of about 135 crores, about 1.12 billion Aadhaar numbers have been issued. This means that although Aadhaar has become an extremely important identity proof, it has not been issued to many people. They can still use a PAN card, driving license or passport as an alternative to an Aadhaar card for photo identity or address proof.

How to change my mobile number on the Aadhar Card?

There are instances where people lose their mobile number or deactivate it for some reason. If you have switched to a new mobile number, you can get it updated in UIDAI’s database. Follow these simple steps to know how to link a mobile number with an Aadhaar card:

  • Visit Nearest Aadhar Enrollment Center
  • Also, fill Aadhar Update/Correction Form
  • Submit the form to Aadhar Executive
  • Then pay the fee of Rs. 50 for service
  • You will be given an acknowledgement slip containing the Update Request Number (URN). URN can be used to check the status of your update request
  • Then your mobile number will be updated in Aadhaar’s database within 90 days
Aadhar Card Mobile Number Update
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Steps to Add/Update Mobile Number in Aadhar Card

You can add your mobile number to your Aadhar card and register it with your UIDAI. All your Aadhaar-related messages and OTP will be sent to this mobile number. Here’s how to link your Aadhaar card with your mobile number:

  • Visit Nearest Aadhar Enrollment Center
  • Also, fill Aadhaar Enrollment Form
  • Mention your mobile number in the form
  • Then submit the form to the executive
  • Authenticate your details by providing your biometrics. You do not need to provide any documents
  • A fee of Rs. 50 will have to be paid to avail of this service

Note: If you mention your mobile number at the time of enrollment, you do not need to register again.

If you want to avail Aadhaar related services, you need to link your mobile number with your Aadhaar card:

  • m aadhaar app
  • all online aadhaar facilities
  • PAN Card Application (New / Reprint)
  • digital locker
  • mobile re-verification
  • Linking Mutual Funds with Aadhaar
  • UMANG App
  • Online EPF Claims and Withdrawals

You can change as many mobile numbers as you want in the Aadhaar database but you will have to pay a fee every time you update it in Aadhaar. Therefore aadhaar linked mobile number enables the user to stay updated with all the subsidy information received in the bank account and avail of online facilities using OTP. Once the mobile number is updated, all the OTPs linked to Aadhaar will be sent to this mobile number. You can enter this OTP on the UIDAI portal to download your Aadhar card online.

Note: So you do not need to provide any documents to update your mobile number in Aadhaar. All you have to do is take your Aadhar card to the nearest Aadhar centre and pay a fee of Rs. 50 to update it.

Linking Mobile with Aadhar

How to check aadhar card mobile number linking status online

Here are two ways by which you can check whether your mobile number is linked with your Aadhaar:

Method 1:

Visit the UIDAI website and click on “Verify an Aadhaar Number” listed under Aadhaar Services
Enter your Aadhaar Number and Captcha Code and click on “Proceed and Verify Aadhaar” to know whether your mobile number is linked with your Aadhaar or not.

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Method 2:

On the UIDAI website, click on “Verify Email/Mobile Number” under the Aadhaar Services section.
Then select Verify Mobile Number and enter your Aadhaar Number, Mobile Number and Captcha Code.
Click on “Send OTP” to check whether your mobile number is verified from UIDAI records.

How to Change Mobile Number Online (With OTP)?

A registered mobile number is important for availing the facility of Aadhaar online services. You can authenticate your mobile number which was stated during enrollment or the latest aadhar details update.

Verify Mobile Number

If you do not have your registered mobile number at the time of enrollment for Aadhaar, you need to visit a Permanent Enrollment Center to get it registered in your Aadhaar record.

One of the important facilities provided by UIDAI is Aadhaar Mobile Number Verification, through which you can easily verify your mobile number. The important thing to note is that before you can verify your mobile number, you need to register it in your Aadhaar record at https://resident.uidai.gov.in/verify-email-mobile.

UIDAI Mobile Number Change

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Let us now look at the steps below:

  • Visit the official website of UIDAI https://uidai.gov.in/.
  • On the home page, under the ‘My Aadhaar’ section, select ‘Aadhaar Services’ and then select ‘Verify Email/Mobile Number’.
  • Enter your 12 digit Aadhaar number in the relevant space provided
  • Enter your mobile number in the space
  • Then enter the security code and finish the captcha verification process
  • You will receive an OTP
  • After entering the OTP carefully, click on “Verify OTP” and then tap on Submit
  • So after the authentication takes effect, you will receive a message stating “Your mobile number has been successfully verified”.
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Important Points to Remember in How to Update Mobile Number in Aadhar Card Without OTP

  • You need to register your mobile number with your Aadhar card
  • Then after registration, you need to verify the registered mobile number by visiting the official website of UIDAI
  • All online facilities provided by UIDAI require OTP verification which is sent to registered mobile numbers only
  • Then service providers do the verification process through your Aadhaar, where again, you will need your registered cell number, as OTPs are sent only to Aadhaar registered numbers to complete the transaction.
  • Last, but not least, it is important to ensure that the correct beneficiary is receiving benefits or doing any transaction and that no fake identities are doing so.
  • Now that we know how to update mobile number in Aadhar card without OTP and in various situations where OTP would be required and to know the importance of a registered cell number in Aadhar record, it is always advised that you The cell number needs to be added or updated. , Take full advantage of having an Aadhaar and don’t miss out on important updates.

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UIDAI Mobile Number Change

FAQs on UIDAI Mobile Number Change

How long will it take to update the mobile number in Aadhaar?

Normally 90% of the update requests are completed within 30 days. So if you have lost the mobile number registered in Aadhaar or you no longer have it, you will have to personally visit the nearest Aadhaar Enrollment Center to update the mobile number in Aadhaar.

How do I change my Aadhar card mobile number online?

No, you cannot change your mobile number on your Aadhar card online. So to link your Aadhar card with a mobile number you have to visit the nearest Aadhar Enrollment Center or Aadhar Seva Kendra

Can I link 2 mobile numbers with Aadhaar?

Yes, one mobile number can be linked with two Aadhar cards. So a person can link the mobile number of himself and his family with Aadhaar

Can I update my Aadhar card online?

You can update your address online in Self Service Update Portal (SSUP). You will need to visit the Permanent Enrollment Center for other details updates such as demographic details (name, address, date of birth, gender, mobile number, email) as well as biometrics (fingerprint, iris and photograph) in Aadhaar.

Sandeep Dubey

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