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UIDAI Number: Aadhaar is a 12-digit individual identification number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India on behalf of the Government of India. So the number serves as a proof of identity and address, anywhere in India. The Aadhaar system provides single-source offline/online identity verification across the country for the residents. Once residents enrol, they can use their Aadhaar number to authenticate and establish their identity multiple times using electronic means or through offline verification, as the case may be. On 11 March 2016, the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and other Subsidies, benefits and services) Act, 2016, was passed in the Lok Sabha. uidai mobile number update
आधार भारत सरकार की ओर से भारतीय विशिष्ट पहचान प्राधिकरण द्वारा जारी एक 12 अंकों की व्यक्तिगत पहचान संख्या है। संख्या भारत में कहीं भी पहचान और पते के प्रमाण के रूप में कार्य करती है। आधार प्रणाली निवासियों के लिए पूरे देश में एकल-स्रोत ऑफ़लाइन/ऑनलाइन पहचान सत्यापन प्रदान करती है। एक बार निवासियों का नामांकन हो जाने पर, वे इलेक्ट्रॉनिक माध्यमों का उपयोग करके या ऑफ़लाइन सत्यापन के माध्यम से, जैसा भी मामला हो, कई बार अपनी पहचान प्रमाणित करने और स्थापित करने के लिए अपने आधार नंबर का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। 11 मार्च 2016 को, आधार (वित्तीय और अन्य सब्सिडी, लाभ और सेवाओं का लक्षित वितरण) अधिनियम, 2016 लोकसभा में पारित किया गया था। uidai aadhar update mobile number
To remain insulated from online fraudsters, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has suggested that Aadhaar card holders keep their mobile number updated with their 12-digit unique identity number. The statutory authority that issues Aadhaar numbers has unveiled 4 simple steps to check whether one’s mobile number and email ID are linked with its Aadhaar number or not.
The UIDAI urged Aadhaar cardholders to check their mobile number and email ID linking status citing. So always keep your mobile number updated in #Aadhaar.
If you have any doubt about whether your correct mobile number or email has been linked with Aadhaar, you can verify the same using this link: myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/verify-email-mobile.”
If an Aadhaar card holder is not sure about its mobile number and email ID linking, he or she is advised to log in at the given direct UIDAI link — myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/verify-email-mobile and follow the below-mentioned step-by-step guide:
If the OTP comes to your given mobile number or email ID, it means your mobile number or the email ID is linked with your Aadhaar number.
So, no need to fall prey to an online malware fraud where a fraudster asks you to click on the given link or to share your Aadhaar number for verifying your mobile number or email ID with your Aadhaar card. Just follow these 4 steps suggested by the UIDAI.
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The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is a statutory authority and a government department, established on 12 July 2016 by the Government of India under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, following the provisions of the Aadhaar Act 2016.
The UIDAI is mandated to assign a 12-digit unique identification (UID) number (termed “Aadhaar”) to all the residents of India. So the implementation of the UID scheme entails the generation and assignment of UIDs to residents; defining mechanisms and processes for interlinking UIDs with partner databases; operation and management of all stages of the UID life cycle; framing policies and procedures for updating mechanism and defining usage and applicability of UIDs for delivery of various services, among others. The number is linked to the resident’s basic demographic and biometric information such as a photograph, ten fingerprints and two iris scans, which are stored in a centralized database.
The UIDAI was initially set up by the Government of India in January 2009, as an attached office under the aegis of the Planning Commission via a notification in the Gazette of India. So according to the notification, the UIDAI was given the responsibility to lay down plans and policies to implement the UID scheme, own and operate the UID database, and be responsible for its updating and maintenance on an ongoing basis.
Since an Aadhaar card has become important for all citizens of India; it is an important task of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI); to ensure proper management of Aadhaar enrolment, development of the policy, and an efficient system for issuing Aadhaar numbers to individuals; perform authentication and at the same time secure the identity and authentication; records of individuals, the reason being, Aadhar card is based on the biometric and demographic data of the applicant. So an Aadhaar serves as a Proof of Identity (POI) and Proof of Address (POA) and entitles citizens; to additional benefits mentioned under the Aadhaar Act, 2016.
So to render efficient grievance redressal services, the UIDAI provides a toll-free Aadhaar helpline number 1800 300 1947 or 1947; which operates throughout the year (24/7 x 365) to help citizens gather information on their Aadhaar cards. Therefore any individual who intends to file an official complaint or provide suggestions can use this helpline. Additionally, one can also seek this helpline to find Aadhaar enrolment centres across India.
The headquarters of UIDAI is based in New Delhi. A person can directly write to the head office for any related query.
There are three primary channels through which a citizen can file a complaint:
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Complaints which are filed online should be on the basis; of non-generation of Aadhaar card or against Operator and Enrolment Agencies. So applicants have to simply visit resident.uidai.gov.in/web/resident/file-complaint and fill the form with basic details; such as enrolment ID (EID), personal details, location and complaint details, and submit the form. As soon as you submit the form, you will get an acknowledgement request on your registered mobile number and email. In order to check the status of a complaint, a user has to visit the official website; resident.uidai.gov.in/web/resident/complaint-status and submit their complaint ID. This ID is the number sent to you at the time of complaint registration. Uidai mobile number link
ऑनलाइन दर्ज की गई शिकायतें आधार पर होनी चाहिए; आधार कार्ड के गैर-जनरेशन या ऑपरेटर और नामांकन एजेंसियों के खिलाफ। आवेदकों को बस रेजिडेंट.uidai.gov.in/web/resident/file-complaint पर जाना होगा और बुनियादी विवरण के साथ फॉर्म भरना होगा; जैसे नामांकन आईडी (ईआईडी), व्यक्तिगत विवरण, स्थान और शिकायत विवरण, और फॉर्म जमा करें। जैसे ही आप फॉर्म जमा करते हैं, आपको अपने पंजीकृत मोबाइल नंबर और ईमेल पर एक पावती अनुरोध प्राप्त होगा। शिकायत की स्थिति की जांच करने के लिए, उपयोगकर्ता को आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा; रेजिडेंट.uidai.gov.in/web/resident/complaint-status और अपनी शिकायत आईडी जमा करें। यह आईडी शिकायत पंजीकरण के समय आपको भेजी गई संख्या है। यूआईडीएआई मोबाइल नंबर लिंक
Data of all Aadhaar holders is safe and secure in the Central Identities Data Repository (CIDR) of UIDAI. So the Aadhaar database in CIDR has never been breached in all these years of its existence.
UIDAI के सेंट्रल आइडेंटिटी डेटा रिपोजिटरी (CIDR) में सभी आधार धारकों का डेटा सुरक्षित है। इसलिए सीआईडीआर में आधार डेटाबेस को अस्तित्व के इन सभी वर्षों में कभी भी भंग नहीं किया गया है।
Aadhaar is a 12-digit identification number the UIDAI issues to the residents of India. However, once generated, there is no process to cancel or surrender Aadhaar, even after the death of a person. Also, there is no provision to even update information about a holder’s death in the Aadhaar database.
Just as by merely knowing your ATM card number, no one can withdraw money from the ATM machine; and by knowing your Aadhaar number alone; no one can hack into your bank account and withdraw money. Your bank account is safe if you don’t part with your PIN/OTP given by banks, UIDAI said.
Everything, including opening a bank account and registering for a job, requires an Aadhaar number. However, if your Aadhaar card information is leaked, it can be used against you. So in such a situation, you must remain watchful at all times
Open the Resident portal Under Aadhaar Service Click on Lock & Unlock. Select UID Lock Radio Button and enter UID Number; Full Name, and Pin Code as in the latest details and enter Security code. Then click on Send OTP or select TOTP and click on submit. So your UID will be locked successfully. uidai gov in aadhar link mobile number
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