UIDAI Update Online, Details can be updated, Modes of Update and FAQs…
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UIDAI Update Online: The Self-Service online mode offers address updates to the residents where the resident can directly place the update request on the portal. The Aadhaar number and registered mobile number of the resident are required to log in to the portal. The UIDAI has said that an Aadhaar issued to a child needs to undergo two mandatory biometric updates. One when the child reaches the age of five years, and another when he or she reaches the age of 15 years. Biometric data refers to data collected by way of the iris or fingerprint scans. www uidai gov in aadhar update online
In Hindi:
स्व-सेवा ऑनलाइन मोड निवासियों को पता अपडेट प्रदान करता है जहां निवासी सीधे पोर्टल पर अपडेट अनुरोध कर सकते हैं। पोर्टल पर लॉग इन करने के लिए निवासी के आधार नंबर और पंजीकृत मोबाइल नंबर की आवश्यकता होती है। यूआईडीएआई ने कहा है कि एक बच्चे को जारी आधार को दो अनिवार्य बायोमेट्रिक अपडेट से गुजरना होगा। एक जब बच्चा पांच साल की उम्र तक पहुंचता है, और दूसरा जब वह 15 साल की उम्र तक पहुंचता है। बायोमेट्रिक डेटा से तात्पर्य आईरिस या फ़िंगरप्रिंट स्कैन के माध्यम से एकत्र किए गए डेटा से है। uidai gov in aadhar update online
Updating data on Aadhaar
Registered Mobile Number
A registered mobile number is essential to access Aadhaar Online Services
You can verify your mobile number that has been declared at the time of enrolment or during the latest Aadhaar detail update.
Verify Mobile Number
If you have not registered your Mobile number while enrolling for Aadhaar, you are required to visit a Permanent Enrolment Centre to get it registered.
Enabling Aadhaar for various services like Government & Non-Government Services, Subsidy Benefits, Pensions, Scholarships, Social Benefits, Banking services, Insurance services, Taxation services, Education, Employment, Healthcare etc., makes it essential to ensure that the Aadhaar data of the resident stored in the CIDR is accurate and up-to-date.
Demographic data update, the need could arise from:
Changes in life events such as marriage may lead to residents changing their basic demographic details such as name and address. Address and the mobile number could also change due to migration to newer locations. Residents may also want changes in their relative’s details due to changes in life events such as marriage, death of a relative etc. In addition, residents could have other personal reasons to change their mobile number, email address etc.
Changes in various service delivery platforms may lead residents to declare request changes and to add a mobile number to CIDR etc.
Errors were made during the enrolment process wherein the resident’s demographic data may have been captured incorrectly. Changes to the “DoB/Age” and “Gender” fields are expected primarily due to enrolment errors.
Since a resident can enrol anywhere in India, it may happen that a native speaker of language “A” is enrolled by an operator of language “B” and consequently the resident’s local language of enrolment is “B”. Later, the resident may want to change the local language of enrolment to another that he/she prefers. If so, then all the demographic information that is printed on the Aadhaar letter will need to be updated in the new local language.
UIDAI may also ascertain the availability of POI, POA and other documents collected at the time of enrolment/update and their quality and decide to notify residents to update their demographic information and submit the required document.
UIDAI Update Online
Biometric update, the need could arise from:
Age <5 years at the time of initial enrolment -The child should be re-enrolled when the child attains an age of 5 years and all biometric data should be provided. A de-duplication would be done for the child at this stage. This request will be treated similar to a new enrolment request while retaining the original Aadhaar number Age between 5 and 15 years at the time of enrolment – The resident should furnish all biometrics for updates when the resident attains the age of 15 years. Age >15 years at the time of enrolment – Residents are recommended to update their biometric data every 10 years.
Events like accidents or diseases leading to a biometric exception
As the Aadhaar authentication service is becoming ubiquitous, residents may also approach for biometric updates because of authentication failures (called false rejects – where a correct resident with a valid Aadhaar number may be incorrectly rejected) which may result from incorrect biometric capture or poor biometric quality captured at the time of enrolment. With improvements in technology, it may be possible to capture better quality biometrics in the CIDR.
UIDAI may verify the quality of biometrics captured during enrolment/ update and decide a threshold. All the residents whose biometrics are below the decided threshold level may be notified by UIDAI to update their biometrics.
प्रारंभिक नामांकन के समय आयु <5 वर्ष – बच्चे को 5 वर्ष की आयु प्राप्त होने पर बच्चे को फिर से नामांकित किया जाना चाहिए और सभी बायोमेट्रिक डेटा प्रदान किया जाना चाहिए। इस स्तर पर बच्चे के लिए एक डी-डुप्लीकेशन किया जाएगा। नामांकन के समय मूल आधार संख्या आयु 5 से 15 वर्ष के बीच बनाए रखते हुए इस अनुरोध को एक नए नामांकन अनुरोध के समान माना जाएगा – निवासी को 15 वर्ष की आयु प्राप्त होने पर अद्यतन के लिए सभी बायोमेट्रिक्स प्रस्तुत करना चाहिए। नामांकन के समय उम्र>15 वर्ष – निवासियों को हर 10 साल में अपने बायोमेट्रिक डेटा को अपडेट करने की सलाह दी जाती है।
दुर्घटनाओं या बीमारियों जैसी घटनाएं जो बायोमेट्रिक अपवाद की ओर ले जाती हैं
जैसे-जैसे आधार प्रमाणीकरण सेवा सर्वव्यापी होती जा रही है, निवासी भी प्रमाणीकरण विफलताओं के कारण बायोमेट्रिक अपडेट के लिए संपर्क कर सकते हैं (जिन्हें गलत अस्वीकार कहा जाता है – जहां एक वैध आधार संख्या के साथ एक सही निवासी को गलत तरीके से खारिज किया जा सकता है) जो गलत बायोमेट्रिक कैप्चर या खराब बायोमेट्रिक गुणवत्ता के परिणामस्वरूप हो सकता है। नामांकन के समय कब्जा कर लिया। प्रौद्योगिकी में सुधार के साथ, सीआईडीआर में बेहतर गुणवत्ता वाले बायोमेट्रिक्स प्राप्त करना संभव हो सकता है।
यूआईडीएआई नामांकन/अपडेट के दौरान लिए गए बायोमेट्रिक्स की गुणवत्ता की जांच कर सकता है और एक सीमा तय कर सकता है। सभी निवासी जिनके बायोमेट्रिक्स तय सीमा से नीचे हैं, उन्हें यूआईडीएआई द्वारा उनके बायोमेट्रिक्स को अपडेट करने के लिए सूचित किया जा सकता है।
Name, Address, Date of Birth/Age, Gender, Mobile Number, Email Address, Relationship Status and Information Sharing Consent
Biometric information
Iris, Finger Prints and Facial Photograph
Aadhaar details that can be updated
Modes of Update
Via Online
The Self-Service online mode offers address updates to the residents where the resident can directly place the update request on the portal. The Aadhaar number and registered mobile number of the resident are required to log in to the portal. The resident is authenticated using OTP on his/her registered mobile number. To complete the update process, the resident needs to upload the
supporting POA documents which will be verified against requested data at a later stage at UIDAI’s Update back-office by a Verifier. The resident needs to have a mobile number registered with Aadhaar for using this service.
Using self-service Update Portal for online Aadhaar Data Update:
Login to the SSUP portal using Aadhaar and OTP,
Select the fields to be updated,
Fill the data in the selected fields,
Submit the form & URN will be generated,
Select the BPO for review of update,
Attach an original scanned copy of the support document, Step 7 – Using the URN check the Aadhaar update status
By Visiting Permanent Enrolment Centre
These are modes where residents place the demographic/biometric update request with the help of an operator at a Permanent Enrolment Centre. In such a case, the documentary evidence is collected by the operator at the time of accepting the request. The document verification by the verifier also happens at the time of placing the Update request. UIDAI currently has envisaged three modes for Assisted Updates:
UIDAI Update Online
Update Client Standard
Fields: All biometric and demographic fields as well as local language can be updated
Identity Authentication: Biometric check at the back-end.
Document Verification
Verification is done for those fields which require documentary evidence.
Then verification is done by a verifier appointed by UIDAI/Registrars present at Enrolment / Update Centre.
The verification procedure followed should be in line with DDSVP Committee Recommendations followed during the enrolment process
Done by the operator on update client as requested by the resident. Handles spelling, language issues, transliteration, etc. Thus the operator will provide a biometric sign-off against every update request. The Resident gets an acknowledgement receipt with an Update Request Number (URN) which can be tracked.
Biometric Update Process:
Filling Application Form,
Manual Verification of proof,
Then the entry of Data into client software by the operator,
Biometric Authentication by Resident,
Operator & Supervisor’s Confirmation, Step 6 – Acknowledgement of Receipt
Update Client Lite (UCL)
Fields: All demographic fields and Photos, as well as local language, can be updated. Identity Authentication: Biometric Authentication of the resident.
Document Verification
Verification is done for those fields which require documentary evidence
Then verification is done by a verifier appointed by UIDAI/Registrars present at Enrolment / Update Centre.
The verification procedure followed should be in line with DDSVP Committee Recommendations followed during the enrolment process
Form Filling and Acknowledgement
Done by the operator on update client as requested by the resident. So the Resident gets an acknowledgement receipt with an Update Request Number (URN) which can be tracked. The operator will provide biometric sign-off against every update request.
Update through AUA Point of Presence
This mode will be used by select Registrar who will also become AUAs. Hence UIDAI may provide application / APIs for Updates. So the Registrars selected for such updates will be Registrars known to collect/generate/possess and/or manage the particular demographic field and a custodian of such data.
Fields: Demographic fields
Identity Authentication:
Biometric Authentication of resident on the AUA device; UIDAI may decide to use other/additional authentication factors if required. For example mobile OTP, for taking update requests from this mode.
The operator will provide biometric sign-off against every update request. Thus they must have Aadhaar. Auth standards of UIDAI will be applicable for device/s used.
Document Verification:
UIDAI will accept updates based on Registrar’s verification process and Resident Authentication. For audit purposes, electronic/scanned document copies may be collected online. Also, these document copies may be captured and received with each resident request or may be made available, by the Registrar, in batches against the Update Request Numbers, Date and time.
Done by Registrar’s Operator( employee/ outsourced) on Device with Biometric Authentication Feature, such as a Micro-ATM Resident gets an acknowledgement receipt with Update Request Number (URN) which can be tracked. The acknowledgement may be a print receipt and/or an SMS/email based on the type of request. For example, for a mobile number update, the acknowledgement can be an SMS on the given mobile number. The API will have the functionality to generate electronic as well as Print receipts. The Registrar may provide print receipts at the end of taking update requests if they so decide.
UIDAI Update Online
FAQs on UIDAI Update Online
What is the cost of the Aadhar update?
As per the circular, a Biometric update will cost Rs 100. Biometric updation includes the updation of fingerprints and IRIS. Hence demographic updation will cost Rs 50. So the demographic update includes updating name, date of birth, address etc.
According to UIDAI, if you update one field or many in the Aadhaar or even your biometrics, Rs 100 will be charged. While you will be charged Rs 50 if you update your demographic details. Moreover, you can update your address online free of cost by visiting – https://www.uidai.gov.in/.
Can we update the fingerprint in the Aadhar card online?
You cannot do Aadhar card biometric update online. So for the Aadhar biometric update, you would have to visit a permanent Aadhar enrolment centre and get your biometrics updated there. www.ssup.uidai.gov.in update online
आप आधार कार्ड बायोमेट्रिक अपडेट ऑनलाइन नहीं कर सकते। तो आधार बायोमेट्रिक अपडेट के लिए, आपको एक स्थायी आधार नामांकन केंद्र पर जाना होगा और वहां अपना बायोमेट्रिक्स अपडेट करवाना होगा। www.ssup.uidai.gov.in ऑनलाइन अपडेट करें