
UIDAI, Aadhar Card Update, Aadhar Status


About UIDAI:

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is a legal position set up under the arrangements of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 (“Aadhaar Act 2016”) on 12 July 2016 by the Government of India, so under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). So the Aadhaar Act 2016 has altered by the Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Act, 2019 (14 of 2019) w.e.f. 25.07.2019.

Prior to its foundation as a legal position, UIDAI was working as a connected office of the then Planning Commission (presently NITI Aayog) vide its Gazette Notification No.- A-43011/02/2009-Admn.I) dated 28th January 2009. Afterwards, on 12 September 2015, the Government amended the Allocation of Business Rules to append the UIDAI to the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) of the then Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

UIDAI made to give Unique Identification numbers (UID), named as “Aadhaar”, to all occupants of India. Therefore UID must be (a) adequately hearty to wipe out a copy and phoney characters, and (b) evident and authenticable in a simple, practical way. So the principal UID number has given on 29 September 2010 to an occupant of Nandurbar, Maharashtra. The Authority has so far given more than 124 crore Aadhaar numbers to the occupants of India.


To enable occupants of India with an extraordinary character and a computerized stage to verify whenever, anyplace.


  • To accommodate great administration, proficient, straightforward and focused on the conveyance of endowments, advantages and administrations, so the use for which brought about from the Consolidated Fund of India to occupants of India through allocating of exceptional personality numbers.
  • To create a strategy, technique and framework for giving Aadhaar number to inhabitants of India, so who demand the same by presenting their segment data and biometric data by going through the cycle of enrolment.
  • Therefore create a strategy, method and frameworks for Aadhaar holders for refreshing and validating their advanced personality.
  • Guarantee accessibility, adaptability and strength of the innovation framework.
  • Therefore construct a drawn-out feasible association to convey forward the vision and estimations of the UIDAI.
  • To guarantee the security and classification of character data and verification records of people.
  • Therefore, guarantee consistency of Aadhaar Act by all individual and organizations in letter and soul.
  • To make guidelines and rules steady with the Aadhaar Act, for completing the arrangements of the Aadhaar Act.

Core Values:

  • We put stock in encouraging great administration
  • We esteem respectability
  • So we focused on comprehensive country building
  • We seek after a shared methodology and worth our accomplices
  • So we will endeavour towards greatness in administrations to inhabitants and specialist organizations
  • Therefore we will consistently zero in on persistent learning and quality enhancements
  • So we have driven by development and give a stage to our accomplices to enhance
  • Therefore we have confidence in a straightforward and open association

Hierarchical Structure:

Extraordinary Identification Authority of India (“Authority/UIDAI”) has its Headquarters (HQ) in New Delhi and eight Regional Offices (ROs) so the nation over. UIDAI has two Data Centers, one at Hebbal (Bengaluru), Karnataka and another at Manesar (Gurugram), Haryana.

Arrangement of the Authority:

  • The Authority comprises of two low maintenance Members and a Chief Executive Officer who will be the Member-Secretary of the Authority.
  • So the administrator of the Authority is Vacant.
  • Dr Anand Deshpande, Founder, Chairman and Managing Director of Persistent Systems designated as low maintenance individual from UIDAI.
  • So the Chief Executive Officer, Sh Pankaj Kumar, IAS (1987, Nagaland unit), is the legitimate agent and authoritative top of the Authority.

High command (HQ):

At the HQ, the CEO helped by seven Deputy Directors-General (DDGs), Joint Secretary level Officers of Government of India, as accountable for different wings of UIDAI. The DDGs upheld by Assistant Directors General (ADGs), Deputy Directors, Section Officers and Assistant Section Officers. So the HQ has a complete endorsed strength of 127 officials and staff individuals, including the Accounts and IT branches.

Regional Offices (ROs):

Every one of the eight Regional Offices of UIDAI is going by a Deputy Director General (DDG) and the help structure involves Assistant Directors General, Deputy Directors, Section Officers, Assistant Section Officers, Senior Accounts Officer, Accountant and individual staff.

UIDAI Finance and Accounts Division:

The Finance and Accounts Division (FD) is going by the Deputy Director General (Finance) who is Financial Advisor in UIDAI. FD renders proficient counsel to the CEO, UIDAI on all issues which have monetary ramifications. So the FD is liable for the Budget definition, Outcome Budget, Performance Budget, Screening of proposition including monetary ramifications, Expenditure and Cash Management and Preparation of Annual Accounts of UIDAI.

Drawing and Disbursement:

  • Instalment of compensation and remittances to workers of HQ.
  • Instalment of compensation and remittances to workers of RO.
  • Therefore, Instalment and settlement of individual cases of representatives and
  • Instalment of a wide range of bills for products and enterprises got from providers.

Expenditure and Cash Management:

  • Observing and control of consumption and bookkeeping elements of HQ and ROs.
  • Support of PBG register and safe authority of PBG.
  • Bank compromise and
  • Speculation of excess assets and safe care of instruments thereof.

Internal Audit:

  • Arrangement of Annual Audit Plan for a quarterly review of HQ, a yearly presentation review of Functional Divisions of HQ and yearly review of ROs/Tech Center).
  • Arrangement of labour for review, finish and issue of Audit Report to concerned Division/RO/Tech Center and
  • Therefore line up of consistence with inner review perceptions.

Other Activities:

  • Matters identifying with CAG/PAC/Audit Paras regarding UIDAI;
  • Checking of answer/consistence of Functional Divisions on Audit paras gave by O/o the Director-General of Audit, P&T, New Delhi.
  • Giving contributions to Annual Report, Economic Survey, Monthly PMO Report and
  • Work in regard of Parliamentary Standing Committee of Finance for UIDAI related issues.

Budget and Expenditure:

YearBudget EstimatesRevised EstimatesExpenditure INR. (Crores)
Expenditure Chart

How to validate advanced marks in e-Aadhaar (UIDAI)?

  • The PC should associate with the web while approving the computerized signature.
  • Therefore Right-click on the ‘legitimacy obscure’ symbol and snap-on ‘Approve Signature’
  • So you will get the mark approval status window, click on ‘Mark Properties’.
  • So click on ‘Show Certificate.’
  • Confirm that there an affirmation way named ‘NIC sub-CA for NIC 2011, National Informatics place’. This distinguishes ‘NIC sub-CA for NIC 2011, National Informatics community’ as the proprietor of the advanced endorsement that has been utilized when marking the archive.
  • Imprint the affirmation way named ‘NIC sub-CA for NIC 2011, National Informatics place’, click the ‘Trust’ tab and afterwards ‘Add to Trusted Identities’.
  • Answer ‘alright’ to any security question that follows.
  • Check (✔) the field for ‘Utilize this authentication as a confided in the root’ and snap ‘alright’ twice to close this and the following window.
  • Click ‘Approve Signature’ to execute the approval.
  • Note: – Once ‘NIC sub-CA for NIC 2011, National Informatics place’ has been as a Trusted Identity, any ensuing reports with advanced marks from CCA will be approved naturally when opened.

What Is the Password of e-Aadhaar (UIDAI)?

Mix of the initial 4 letters of the name in CAPITAL and the time of birth (YYYY) as secret phrase.

For Example:

Model 1


Year of Birth: 1990

Secret phrase: SURE1990

Model 2


Year of Birth: 1990

Secret key: SAIK1990

Model 3

Name: P. KUMAR

Year of Birth: 1990

Secret key: P.KU1990

Model 4

Name: RIA

Year of Birth: 1990

Secret key: RIA1990

What supporting programming expected to open e-Aadhaar?

Occupant needs ‘Adobe Reader’ to see e-Aadhaar. You have ‘Adobe Reader’ introduced in your System. To introduce Adobe Reader in the System visit https://get.adobe.com/peruser/

How could Resident download e-Aadhaar (UIDAI)?

Occupant can download e-Aadhaar by following two different ways.

  • By Using Enrollment Number: Resident can download e-Aadhaar utilizing 28 digit enrolment no. alongside Full Name and Pin code. In this download cycle, OTP is gotten on enrolled versatile no. The occupant can likewise utilize TOTP to download e-Aadhaar rather than OTP. TOTP can be produced utilizing mAadhaar portable Application.
  • By Using Aadhaar No: Resident can download e-Aadhaar by utilizing 12 digits Aadhaar No. alongside Full Name and Pin code. In this download cycle, OTP is gotten on enrolled portable no. Inhabitant can likewise utilize TOTP to download e-Aadhaar rather than OTP. TOTP can be produced utilizing mAadhaar portable Application.

From where Resident can download e-Aadhaar (UIDAI)?

Inhabitant can download e-Aadhaar by visiting UIDAI sites – https://uidai.gov.in/or by visiting https://eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in

What is Masked Aadhaar (UIDAI)?

Veil Aadhaar alternative permits you to cover your Aadhaar number in your downloaded e-Aadhaar. Veiled Aadhaar number infers supplanting of initial 8 digits of Aadhaar number for certain characters like “XXXX-XXXX” while just last 4 digits of the Aadhaar Number are noticeable.

Is e-Aadhaar similarly legitimate like an actual duplicate of Aadhaar (UIDAI)?

According to the Aadhaar Act, e-Aadhaar is similarly legitimate like Physical Copy of Aadhaar for all reasons. For UIDAI roundabout on the legitimacy of e Aadhaar, so it would be ideal if you visit https://uidai.gov.in/pictures/uidai_om_on_e_aadhaar_validity.pdf

What is e-Aadhaar (UIDAI)?

e-Aadhaar is a secret phrase secured electronic duplicate of Aadhaar, so which carefully endorsed by the equipped Authority of UIDAI.

What is the expiry time of VID?

As of now, there is no expiry period characterized by VID. VID will be substantial till the time the Aadhaar number holder produces another VID.

Will re-age of VID lead to a similar VID or an alternate VID?

After the base legitimacy time frame (right now set as 1 schedule day), on Aadhaar number holder demands recovery, another VID will produce and the past VID will deactivate. In the event that inhabitant decides on recovery of VID, the last dynamic VID will be shipped off the Aadhaar number holder.

Can an organization store VID?

No. Since VID is impermanent and can be changed by the Aadhaar number holder, putting away VID has no worth. Offices ought not store VID in any information base or logs.

On account of VID, do I need to give agree to confirmation?

Truly, Aadhaar number holder assent is fundamental for VID based validation. The organization is needed to educate the Aadhaar number holder so the reason for verification and gather unequivocal assent for performing validation.

Will VID be utilized for OTP or biometrics or socioeconomics verification?

Truly. VID can be utilized rather than Aadhaar number in Authentication API input. Different elements will refresh their Aadhaar validation application by 31st May 2019 to acknowledge VID as contribution for confirmation.

Imagine a scenario in which an Aadhaar number (UIDAI) holder fails to remember VID. Will he/she acquire once more?

Indeed, UIDAI will give different approaches to produce new and additionally recover current VID. These choices will be made accessible using UIDAI’s inhabitant gateway, eAadhaar, Aadhaar Enrolment focus, mAadhaar portable application and so on By and by, the VID age office is accessible on UIDAI’s occupant entryway. At whatever point required, so the VID number will be shipped off inhabitants using SMS on the enrolled portable number.

VID can likewise be recovered by sending an SMS to the Aadhaar helpline number 1947. Therefore inhabitant should type “RVIDLast 4 digits of Aadhaar Number” and send it to 1947 through the enlisted Mobile Number.

Could any other individual produce VID for me?

No other substance like AUA/KUA can create VID for Aadhaar number holder.

How does an inhabitant acquire VID?

VID can be created simply by the Aadhaar number holder. They can likewise supplant (create another VID) their VID now and again after UIDAI set least legitimacy period (as of now set as 1 schedule day, for example, another VID be created after 00:00 hrs on the following day). At some random time, so just a single VID will be legitimate for an Aadhaar number. UIDAI will give different choices to Aadhaar number holders to produce their VID, recover their VID on the off chance that they fail to remember and supplant their VID with another number. These choices will be made accessible through UIDAI’s occupant gateway, eAadhaar download, Aadhaar Enrolment focus, mAadhaar versatile application and so on As of now, the VID age office is accessible on UIDAI’s occupant entryway. At whatever point required, so VID will be shipped off occupants through SMS on enlisted versatile number.

VID can likewise be created by sending an SMS to the Aadhaar helpline number 1947. So the occupant should type “GVIDLast 4 digits of Aadhaar Number” and send it to 1947 through the enlisted Mobile Number.

What is Virtual ID (VID)?

VID is a brief, revocable 16-digit arbitrary number planned with the Aadhaar number. VID can be utilized rather than Aadhaar number at whatever point validation or e-KYC administrations are performed. Therefore verification might be performed utilizing VID like utilizing Aadhaar number. So it is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to get the Aadhaar number from VID.

What subtleties would I be able to refresh in Self Service Update Portal (SSUP)?

You can refresh your Address online in Self Service Update Portal (SSUP).

For different subtleties updates, for example, Demographic subtleties (Name, Address, DoB, Gender, Mobile Number, Email) just as Biometrics (Finger Prints, Iris and Photograph) in Aadhaar you should visit Permanent Enrolment Center.

Is it important that my mobile number ought to be enlisted with Aadhaar (UIDAI) while mentioning for any sort of update?

On the off chance that you are utilizing on the web Self Service Update Portal (SSUP) for the update, so your mobile number should be enlisted with Aadhaar else you can visit closest Permanent Enrolment place with Supporting Documents.

I effectively presented my location update demand. How might I track this?

On fruitful accommodation of an online location update demand, so you get a URN (Update Request Number) of the configuration 0000/00XXX/XXXXX. Therefore this appeared on screen and sent using SMS to your enlisted mobile number. So utilize this URN and your Aadhaar number to follow the status of your Aadhaar update from https://ssup.uidai.gov.in/checkSSUPStatus/checkupdatestatus

My update demand got dismissed for invalid archives. I’m not catching this’ meaning?

The record you use for Online Address Update ought to be:

  • Legitimate report according to https://ssup.uidai.gov.in/ssup/guidance
  • Therefore, For the sake of the inhabitant mentioning the update
  • So picture transferred ought to be an unmistakable and hued sweep of the first archive.
  • Guarantee that you follow the above before you make another update demand.

I don’t have any reported verification of my location. Would I be able to in any case refresh my location in my Aadhaar (UIDAI)?

Truly, without any narrative Proof of Address (PoA), so you can at present refresh your present location in your Aadhaar with the assistance of an Address Verifier and by sending an online solicitation for an Address Validation Letter. You can refresh the location where you are as of now living with the assent and verification of the location verifier (a relative, relative, companions, landowner, and so forth) who is eager to allow you to utilize their location as evidence.

Useful Links:

NSP, Mobile Number Tracker, A2Z Full Form List, Mobile Locator, Free Career Guide, Typing Speed Test Online, Digitize India, My Individual Business, My Bangalore Mart, My Business Mart, UIDAI Online Aadhar Card.

Sandeep Dubey

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